Thursday, October 29, 2009

Over a year now.

Well it's been over a year now since I had my surgery. I first met with my surgeon on June 25, 2008 at a weight of 264.5 pounds. This morning I weighed in at 171.2 more then 90 pounds lost. Now I won't pretend it's been all fun, there have been some really hard times, but I am at a point where I am very happy with my body and size. If I lose more, cool. If not, then I'm okay. Well, off to knit now.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Things are looking up.

Well I finally broke 180, only by half a pound mind you, but I'll take it. It's been hard work, but well worth it. One year ago I would never have spent the day at the beach. Yeah, I'm still hiding my legs, but I'm still out there. Of course I'm paying for it now with the aftermath of a sunburn, but it's turning into a very cool tan.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Third time is NOT the charm

Well I thought my last fill was finally the one and I was so wrong. I did well for a little over a week, was eating okay, not having too many problems.  Then on Thursday I started to feel some tightness, but Friday forget it. On Saturday the acid reflux had built up so bad that I was in constant pain. I started Prilosec but still in constant pain.  I thought about waiting it out and then I thought what if I wait and then can't get into see the doctor.  This morning I had gone three days without being able to keep down any amount of food or water in my system.  So I called and went in. I had .4 cc's taken out of my band and the doctor and I came up with a Prilosec regimen to keep the acid under control. I go back already on 7/22 so I will be careful and after three times I plan on telling the doc, no more fills that are more than .5 cc's at a time. It's just not worth it. I want to be thin, but I also want a quality of life and I don't want to risk dehydration etc.  So we try again.  Man for those people who say having weight loss surgery is the easy way out are just bonkers. They don't even know what we go through.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Plugging Along

I went for a fill last week and things are going okay so far. I think I'm eating too much but hey I am feeling some type of restriction.  I am hoping to get back to some steady weight loss. Even if it's slow that's okay.

As for the rest of life. I am at a crossroads in life. I am really hating my job but I'm so invested in my career there is no way to change now. Man there are times I wish I had picked a different field. Anyway, on a more creative note, if you are reading this blog, go on over to my cite and check out my craft stuff.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It's been along month. I haven't lost any weight but I haven't gained any either. This is very surprising since I have been grazing non-stop as if I never had surgery. Thankfully I have an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow for an adjustment and I hope I will be back on track soon.  I also joined LA Fitness and have started an exercise regimen that will help as well. So keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Sunny Day

Well I continue to struggle but I focus on the fact that it is less than a week until I see my doctor and that it's almost June and it's a beautiful sunny day (albeit a smoggy one). I know I have had some set backs, but I've had some successes too. My clothes are loose, I can shop at regular stores, I can walk up a flight of steps without getting winded and on and on........ I think I'll look into once again joining a gym. I will maintain a positive and healthy attitude (really, I will).

Monday, May 18, 2009


I haven't posted in a while. I've been very frustrated and scared because I have no restriction, I am eating too much and have been completely unable to keep any kind of motivation or will power on my own. I go back to the doctor a week from Wednesday but I feel like I'm just treading water. I know I should continue to embrace what I have already accomplished, but it hasn't been easy.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I haven't posted in a while. Mainly because I am very frustrated with how things are going. I went in for an unfill and of course as I knew would happen, I now have no restriction. I am eating more than I should and getting panicked about re-gaining my weight, which of course starts the cycle of discouragement all over again. On top of all that, I can't get in to see my doctor until 5/27.  I didn't make my Shrinko de Mayo goal of 185(188) and it's going to be a verrrrrrrry long month. 

Friday, April 24, 2009

An Awful Week

OMG sometimes I hate my band.  This is the second time that I have gone in for a fill and done awesome during liquids and mushies phase.  Been excited that I finally have restriction and just know that I have found my "sweet spot" and all will be right with the world. soon as I get to the solid food stage, I end up eating something that gets "stuck". Which starts a whirlwind of throwing up and swelling and ultimately getting to the point where I can't even keep water down. This time I waited it out, but after two days of not being able to keep water down and starting to get headaches from being so hungry, I had to go back in for an un-fill a second time.  I am now down to 5.8 cc's.  At one point I was at 7.  I just know it's not enough, but I was so miserable before.  I want to have good restriction and lose weight slow and steadily, but no so bad that I will tolerate the pain and there is no way I can ride out the swelling and not eat or drink for several days in a row.  I am happy with my current weight loss and accept that I will have to rely on more willpower and less band. At some point however, this band has GOT to meet me halfway.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rude Awakening

Well if I've finally reached full restriction than what have I been doing for the past 7 months.  I have read on blog after blog about how I need to take small bites, chew, chew, chew and that I wouldn't be able to consume more than about two ounces at a time.  I heard about it but never felt it.  Well now I do.  It has been a rude awakening.  OMG, I know I'm not too tight because I can keep liquids and soft proteins down, but man if I don't chew slowly then I am hating life.  On the other hand, I am down another 7 pounds. So it will take some adjustment and re-learning but I can take it.  I feel so great and so healthy that I will survive this challenge.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A good Weekend

Well I had a great weekend camping (or rather cabining) with friends and visiting with our old friends Paul and Linda Jones. We stayed at the Boy Scout Camp in Holcomb Valley where Paul is the in resident park ranger.  Ed did all the cooking and I feel like I have finally reached my sweet spot. I was able to eat a bit of food, feel full and no hunger in between meals. As a matter of fact, getting food down at all on some days was very hard and other days went well.  I do believe I may be back on track.  I know I still have to do my part, but hopefully I won't be hungry between meals and things will be easier now.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A fill and hopefully a new start

Well I finally got in to see my Doctor and he gave me a fill. Basically he added what had been taken out when I got sick last time. He didn't have me drink water while he did the fill like he usually does so I don't know if it will be enough. I'm hoping it will be enough.  Something needs to change as I am getting very frustrated with not being able to figure this band out. I am very happy with my overall progress but it has been a lot harder than I thought it would be. Regardless, I have lasted longer and lost more than I ever did before and that includes the time I was taking Phen-Fen.  So on the one hand I am happy and on the other very scared about re-gaining my weight. Each day is a new day.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ups and Downs

It has been an up and down kind of week.  I start my day off right and by the end of the day all of my good intentions are out the window. Counting the days till my doctor's appointment. I went to Universal Studios with the family yesterday and pretty much ate nonstop the entire day.

I have done well today but have decided to stop counting calories for a few days. I plan on sticking to my three meals with small snacks and sticking to high protein. With calorie counting, I found that if I set a calorie limit and didn't reach it, I was eating extra food even though I wasn't hungry. So I am going to try this for a while.  At this point I am trying anything and everything.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A new week

Well I am back at work after a busy weekend. I didn't spend too much time keeping track of my food choices, but then I seldom do on weekends. My days are so unstructured it's pretty hard. I did go walking with Darcy and Lynda on Sunday. We walked for about and hour and forty minutes but none of us had on our pedometers so we had no clue how far we had gone. My hubby and I drove by the area later in our car and measured out the distance. We had walked 2.8 miles on way for a total of 5.6 miles round trip!!!!!! Any upcoming 10K hear we come!

Monday always marks a new day. I plan out my meals, keep track of my calorie intake and generally do much better. I wish I had more restriction because even though I get full during my meal, at least three hours later, my stomach is growling and grumbling something fierce. 9 days till I see my doctor again.

My husband has a new job and I have been packing him a lunch. He is down a notch in his belt. I have been making him walk with me whenever I can. Damn men, they lose so much easier.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Beautiful Day

Well it's Saturday (weigh in day) and I showed a loss this week. Not much, but a loss nonetheless. I have joined SparkPeople to keep track of my daily points and I have done really well this week. It's still a little hard with no restriction. I am hungry all the time, but I stay strong and continue to make good choices.  I have a doctor's appointment coming up and hope he will give me a fill to take the hunger in between meals away.  I'm going walking with Darcy and Linda tomorrow.

The girls are coming over to scrap today so that will keep my day busy, busy, busy. We have alot of fun scrapping and chatting the day away.  I hope to have a nice date night with my husband tonight.  My favorite blogger "the world according to eggface" had posted a zucchini lasagna recipe that I hope to try out this weekend.  If it's good, I will be packing it in my lunch next week.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A new Challenge

Today was a good day.  Several of the girls at work have started a weight loss competition.  They won't let me participate because I would have an undue advantage over them, but I am hoping their participation will keep me motivated as well.  I am the official record keeper. There challenge will be fun to watch.

I joined a web-site called SparkPeople and keeps track of calories etc.  I stayed under 1300 today, but I didn't work out. So I need to get back on track with my walking.  It gets harder every day. But, each day is a new day and a new challenge.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Filling up the Down Time

Well it was a really rough weekend.  I have been having alot of problems staying on track. Mainly, I don't have enough restriction in my band so there is nothing to tell me when to stop eating and I am hungry every three hours. I took a four day weekend from work and that left alot of free time which is another problem for me.  I have made a conscious effort the last two days to watch my daily calorie intake and I called my doctor's office today. I go in on the 15th for a fill. I hope this helps.

On another note, I have increased my exercise. I have been walking "alot". I met up with Lynda and Darcy, two ladies from my support group, on Sunday morning.  We took an hour and a half walk and went almost five miles. Yesterday I met up with Janet, my Creative Memories consultant, and we went on a 45 minute walk. I don't know how far we went.

Several of the girls at work have decided to start a diet and have a little competition going.  I am going to join them, without the competition part as I have an unfair advantage because of my band.  But I think we will all be able to keep each other motivated.  So I am doing what I can to keep motivated and stay on track.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A new Day

Well yesterday sucked.  I went way over my daily calories. Almost 2000.  It was my sister's birthday so we went to Don Jose's for lunch and I would have done fine if I had stayed away from the chips and salsa and just had my meal. Then later we had pizza and birthday cake. I only had one slice and small piece of cake and ice cream, but I still felt like I did horrible. 

On a light note, I have been walking and working out to my new DVD.  But, when I don't do well, I feel like I've taken a step backward.

Today is a new day.  I don't have alot of extra going on today and it's easier to keep my day structured when I don't have too much going on.  So it 's a new day and I move on.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Three meals and a snack!

Well today was a good day. I was on the run all day which is usually a bad thing for me.  But today I did okay. I had a slim-fast and south beach bar for breakfast. Stopped at claim jumper and had a bowl of soup and about 1/4 of tuna salad out of my sandwich. I also had another power bar (I considered it dessert).  I got hungry about 4PM so I had some string cheese (low-fat, 50 calories, so I treated myself to two).  Then Ed and I had bbq ribs (3 oz.s for me) and some potatoes.  I'm gonna have some coffee later. But with all that I managed to stay under 1500 calories. I like to stay closer to 1200 but when your on the run all day that's sometimes hard to do. Anyways, Ed and I are going to head out for a power walk.  I'll check in again tomorrow.  

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My day

Well my day went fairly well today.  I was a little high in the calorie count, but I stayed under 1500.  I did have two snacks but both were really high in protein.  Speaking of which, my protein count was 99 grams. Very, very good.  I finally found the dry roasted edamame beans that I had been looking for (at Costco) and that was what put my calorie count so high.  Mainly of course because I had to have two servings. But that gave me 28 grams of protein.  So better than a candy bar.

Andy and I went for a two-mile power walk today.  But man, my shins and butt muscles are sore. I may or may not attempt some stomach crunches later after dinner.  Well until tomorrow then.


Today's goals!

Well it's a new day and a new challenge.  My plans for today are to make it through the day without snacking, taking a power walk in the afternoon and if I do well treating myself to a fat-free hot chocolate in the evening. I hope to NOT think about food all day and make wise choices all day.

That's my mantra "wise choices, wise choices". Life is hard sometimes.  

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Journey

I have always been a big girl  When I graduated from Jr. High School (Jr. High, not High) I was over 200 pounds.  I have always been a big beautiful girl.  The class clown, the flirt, the fat happy married one.  

Having fought High blood pressure for years, I continued to live life with no thought as to the consequences. Last year my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic.  Well no wonder, I had ballooned to 265 pounds.

Well enough was enough. Through my primary physician an numerous hoops my insurance made me jump through, I was finally approved for bariatric surgery. On September 29, 2008, I had surgery for an adjustable lap band.  Now as I approach the sixth month mark of my surgery, I have decided it is time to keep a written post of my ongoing journey.

I have had good times and really bad days as well. I hope by writing all this down and putting it out their for you to see, it will help me to be even more diligent in my ongoing efforts for a healthier happier lifestyle.

So as I approach my six-month date (on Sunday) I will let you in on some milestones.  
  •    Ed and I celebrated our 20th anniversary in January and I was below wedding weight.
  •    Down 65 pounds so far.
  •    One more size and I won't have to shop at the Avenue or Lane Bryant anymore
  •    I never had to take diabetes medications
  •    My doctor has reduced my HBP medications
  •    Life is good

So stay tuned while this M.A.P documents her ups and downs of life.